Thursday, May 5, 2011

Hello and welcome!

Katie: So, I guess this the beginning of a...experiment is what I want to call it. Yoseph doesn't want to call it that because he thinks it'll make people think they're part of some secret government top-secret experiment or something. We're just two college kids who decided to start this one day. It's a pretty simple story but I think it'll be fun.

Yoseph: Secret organization? Does that even make any sense? Just kidding, don't want to give a bad name to myself in the beginning. So Katie pretty much nailed everything. Just two typical college kids bored with life, so we thought why not make use of our time. Which brought us here...

Katie: Just to forwarn anyone who does read (maybe 3 or so??), this is called Joy and TRIBULATION. We will talk about the downers of being at college (Financial Aid...) but also the best parts, like when we ace a test we never studied for! Also just a "disclaimer" I am Christian (technically Messianic Jew but A LOT of people have no idea what I'm talking about so I just say Christian) so that'll make it's way onto this blog. Yoseph is Muslim...and Arab! SHOCK! Christian/Messianic Jew friends?? Blasphemous! No, in all seriousness, we're great friends. Just wanted to let you all know because I have a feeling our religious views ARE going to come up.
So, this is our first post. And now we're signing off because I have to get to physics class. And so the experiment begins...

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